


Mucosomes @NanoMiB Conference

We are presenting our findings at the NanoMiB conference, organized by University of Milano Bicocca!

The congress is focused on recent advances, challenges, and opportunities in nanomedicine. We will deliver two poster presentations highlighting the potential of NanoMuG against bacterial and mycothic infections:

  • Azole-loaded mucosomes as multidrug delivery platform to counteract infections caused by Candida Albicans; E. Frasca, O. V. Garbero, L. Sardelli, N. Mandras, G. Banche, L. Cavallo, S. Visentin* 


  • Evaluating the antibacterial activity of ciprofloxacin-loaded mucosomes against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa lung infections in vitro; G. Guagliano*, C.S. Butnarasu, E. Restivo, E. Peluso, P. Petrini, L. Visai, S. Visentin