


NanoMuG will take part at Social Innovation CAMPUS

Capacity building and Impact investing: new synergies to support social innovation Fondazione Social Venture Giordano dell'Amore and Cariplo Factory

On Thursday 4 February, the Social Venture Giordano Dell'Amore Foundation and Cariplo Factory, together with the Politecnico di Milano and Centro Tiresia, will turn the spotlight on new intervention models to support innovative entrepreneurship with a social impact, promoted by the partners of Get it!.

Get it! is an empowerment and impact investment readiness program for start-ups, which combines social innovation, open innovation and impact investing. On the event, the opportunities offered by the new calls planned for 2021 will be presented, with reference to Get it! Twice, the first Italian initiative to support the technology transfer of innovative solutions in response to Covid-19, which has recently selected the 6 winning research projects of the Call for Solution. More information at this link.

The event is promoted by Social Innovation Accademy and Fondazione Triulza.